Paragon Skills


Who is Paragon Skills?

Paragon Skills is an award-winning, Ofsted-rated ‘Good’, national apprenticeship provider inspiring over 7,000 learners annually and working with over 2000 businesses to deliver apprenticeships in a high-quality, consistent way. Our dedicated focus on the Early Years and Education sector means we are deeply rooted within the sector and have in-depth knowledge and understanding of what is required from a training perspective.

Shaping the minds of the future – specialist industry leading training for the Early Years sector.

We’re proud to support thousands of apprentices who have chosen to undertake an apprenticeship in the rewarding field of childcare and education, every year. At Paragon Skills we are passionate about apprenticeships and the value that they bring to both the apprentice and the business in which the apprentice is working. We are one of the largest Early Years specialist apprenticeship providers in the UK and we have over 20 years’ of experience in delivering award winning training.

Our purpose as a business is to inspire people to succeed through quality apprenticeship training.

We pledge to deliver an outstanding teaching and learning experience to every learner, every time.

We have 65% of our learners achieve a merit or distinction and can guarantee that every learner who completes their programme will pass.

Our commitment is to work with you to shape the future of your setting and your team.

Our learners rate our teaching and learning support ‘Excellent’ in over 84% of sessions and learners make strong links between ‘classroom’ learning and their job role.

Our client needs and learner experiences are at the heart of our business. Paragon Skills is proud to achieve some of the highest success and achievement rates in the industry which is a testimony to our commitment to quality and impactful learning and support.

We also currently hold the title of ‘apprenticeship provider of the year 2023’ as selected by the  FE Week & AELP AAC Apprenticeship Awards, and we are rated as the Number 1 most trusted apprenticeship provider by RateMyApprenticeship in 2022/23.

In addition to this, we are rated as ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot and you can view what our learners and employers have to say about us here –

To find out more about our apprenticeships and about working with Paragon Skills, visit our website or give us a call on 0800 783 2545.

0800 783 2545

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