

Cairneagle is a global independent consulting firm which specialises in the education sector and which has a strong franchise in the nursery space. It has been involved in almost every major early years transaction in the UK in the last six years, it has supported many corporates with their growth strategy, and undertakes work in the childcare sector internationally including in North America, continental Europe and Asia. Cairneagle has been a winner four times of EducationInvestor’s award for consultants in the Education space. 

Arun Kanwar leads the childcare practice and was previously at Bright Horizons, where he headed up UK corporate development and had global strategy responsibilities. Cairneagle wrote the latest edition of  Laingbuisson UK childcare market report and founded a childcare COVID crisis working group to bring together operators to collaborate and influence policymakers. It is in constant dialogue with operators, membership groups and other stakeholders.

(0)20 7036 9413
Arun Kanwar
Arun Kanwar Partner

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