Grandir UK joins 5% Club to strengthen recruitment

Nursery provider Grandir UK has joined The 5% Club to help strengthen recruitment of apprentices and graduates in the childcare industry.

The initiative, which was founded in 2013, consists of 1,000 employers who are working to provide more opportunities for individuals to earn while they learn, which will help them develop the employability skills needed for a meaningful career.

Grandir UK joined The 5% Club at the entry-level Bronze tier, committing to having at least 5% of its total workforce employed on an apprenticeship or learner scheme. The company, which includes the Kiddi Caru and Dicky Birds nursery brands, is now working towards increasing the proportion to 10% to achieve the Gold tier. All members of The 5% Club are required to share an update on their progress in their public annual report or equivalent.

Cathy Agozzino, apprenticeship and learner co-ordinator at Grandir UK, said: “As a company we believe that embracing opportunities to grow and develop, not only enriches our individual capabilities, but also fuels our collective success. We are excited to be working with other businesses to raise awareness of ‘earn and learn’ prospects, sharing best practice and gaining insight into the key areas in the skills debate.”

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