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ICP Education acquire Scottish based Pear Tree nursery group
The deal helps ICP secure a strong presence within Scotland and is strategically aligned with the recent purchase of Wee Gems Group (located in the Edinburgh and West Lothian regions) and their recent acquisition of Pilrig Children’s Nursery which is also based in Edinburgh.
ICP now have 65 settings across the UK with 11 of the settings in Scotland.
ICP’s ethos is to seek out high quality, prestigious childcare settings with the aim of retaining the individuality and uniqueness that each setting has within its local community.
Pear Tree Nurseries Limited is a group that comprises of four exceptional settings with a combined capacity of 317 places, it has won multiple awards and accreditations, and the group’s reputation as an exceptional childcare provider is renowned throughout Scotland.
Each setting within the group operates from large traditional buildings with excellent facilities and spacious enclosed rear gardens. The settings provide high-quality early learning and childcare. A key part of Pear Tree Nurseries’ unique identity and values is its focus on the environment and community involvement. The nurseries pride themselves and are renowned for their outdoor ethos with forest school Sessions, intergenerational visits, and regular outdoor play.
The buyer confirmed: “We are delighted that Pear Tree Nurseries have joined ICP Education. Pear Tree nurseries have four wonderful settings with generous gardens and established forest schools.
“After our first meeting with Stephanie and Nicola we knew that their group would be a great addition and something that we could continue from with the fantastic work that has been achieved in creating a strong and loving nursery environment. The nursery mission statement “is to plant the seeds of curiosity and nurture children to their full potential.”
“We look forward to carrying on with this mission statement, we will work with and support the current team for a seamless integration and ensure that like all our nurseries, we will maintain its local identity in the community.
“Thank you to RDK and Jenna Caldwell who once the deal had been agreed ensured the process ran as smoothly as possible.”
RDK’s director of Childcare & Education, Jenna Caldwell stated: “When we initially spoke with our clients, they only envisaged that they could achieve the price they wanted, years later, however with our market knowledge and strong buyer relationships, we knew we could expedite this for them to enable to spend more time with their family. The buyer interest from launch was unprecedented and it was a pleasure to again work with Kirsty and the team at ICP who were the chosen buyers following a vigorous bids process.”
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