The week ahead: 25 August to 1 September

Don’t miss out! We’ll help you plan the next seven days with our round-up of everything that’s happening in the early years sector.

Get signing

Makaton International Awareness Day takes place on 28 August, the birthday of Makaton founder, Margaret Walker. The Makaton Charity suggests nurseries organise Makaton-themed parties – there are downloadable cake wraps, recipes, bunting and flags on its web site. Share your celebrations on social media using the hashtag #MakatonAwareness.

Celebrate National Organic Month

September is National Organic Month, a celebration of all the work farmers do to bring fresh food to our tables. It’s a great time to focus on growing your own fruit and vegetables, and teaching children about “farm to fork”. You could also take the opportunity to add organic ingredients to one of the meals on your menu. Food for Life has an activity pack focused on Organic September.

Make your voice heard

Ofsted wants to hear from early years professionals about how it can improve its complaints process, including the introduction of a new opportunity for providers to contact Ofsted the day after an inspection if they have any unresolved concerns.

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