The week ahead: 18 to 25 August

Don’t miss out! We’ll help you plan the next seven days with our round-up of everything that’s happening in the early years sector.

Prepare for National Inclusion Week

Inclusive Employers runs National Inclusion Week at the end of September, guiding managers through daily  actions they can take to create a more inclusive workplace. It is running a free webinar on 24 August to help managers use and apply the daily actions in their organisation to make the most of NIW 2023.

National Inclusion Week webinar

Get up to speed on evidence-based language support

Coram Family and Childcare’s DfE-funded Foundation Years has released a free 30-minute vodvast in association with the Education Endowment Foundation, focusing on how you can use evidence-informed practice to support children’s language and communication development.

Implementing evidence-informed practice in early years – communication and language

Take part in the DfE’s funding consultation

The Department for Education is seeking views on how funding will be distributed when it rolls out the new entitlements for working parents of children aged nine months to two years. This is your chance to feed into the consultation, which closes on 8 September.


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