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Council appoints LEYF to run three early years centres
Hillingdon Council has appointed charitable childcare social enterprise London Early Years Foundation (LEYF) to deliver childcare and early education at its three early years centres.
The council has granted LEYF 15-year leases on the three settings: Nestles Avenue Early Years Centre in Hayes, South Ruislip Early Years Centre and Uxbridge Early Years Centre.
LEYF currently runs 41 nurseries across 12 London boroughs, delivering early years education and care to children from birth to five years old. LEYF will have sole occupancy of the sites allowing it to potentially expand the number of places it offers in the future.
The three settings previously delivered children’s centre services such as parenting classes alongside childcare and early education. Children centre services will continue to be operated by the Borough of Hillingdon and are not part of the acquisition. These services will now be delivered through the council’s Family Hubs and other local children’s centres.
All current children and families using the nursery provisions will continue on their current sessions, agreements and fees.
Susan O’Brien, Hillingdon Council’s cabinet member for children, education and families, said: “As family circumstances have changed over the last couple of decades we know parents not only value, but require, the early years provision these centres provide. We’re delighted to be working with LEYF and benefit from its experience and expertise to support our children to live healthy, active and independent lives.”
Jonathan Bianco, Hillingdon Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for corporate services and property, added: “This decision also forms a part of our ongoing transformation and savings programme by delivering value for money for taxpayers by making best use of our assets, saving on running costs and generating income for the council.”
June O’Sullivan, LEYF chief executive, said: “We are thrilled to partner with Hillingdon Council to take on the management of these three early years centres. At LEYF, we are committed to delivering high-quality early years education and care that not only supports children’s learning and development but also fosters a sense of belonging for families within the local community.”
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