Childcare Works launches free business support toolkits

Childcare Works has launched two free toolkits to help early years and wraparound providers develop their business.

The toolkits, funded by the Department for Education, cover business planning, running childcare provision, business growth, leadership and management, partnership working and SEND and inclusive practice.

Childcare Works, a consortium made up of Mott MacDonald, Coram Hempsall’s, and Coram, has also collated information from childcare membership organisations, the government, government- funded organisations, banks, and specialist organisations.

The toolkits have resources aimed at start-ups, organisations looking to grow their provision, and organisations looking to improve their existing provision.

“2025 will see another significant expansion of government funding for early education and wraparound childcare,” said James Hempsall, managing director of Coram Hempsall’s.  “It is such a big change, and one that will have profound impacts for months and years.  That’s why we have been working with providers to identify what would be most useful in preparing and remodelling for this increase and change.”

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